He has sunk half his fortune in a new business undertaking 他已把一半财产投资与一家新的企业中。
Business registration number of the relevant business undertaking 有关的商业经营的商业登记号码。
Embark upon a new business undertaking 从事一项新的商业
In the case of a business undertaking which is a partnership , by any partner thereof 如属合的商业经营,则须由其任何一名合人提供;
Means the survey period specified in or under paragraph 6 . paragraph 3 survey of business undertakings ( 30061997 ) “调查期” ( surveyperiod )指在第6条或根据第6条指明的调查期。
The actual period within the relevant survey period that the relevant business undertaking has been carrying on its business 有关的商业经营在有关的调查期内进行业务的实际期间。
Preference is given to manufacturing or business undertakings at the stage of development when they require " initial money " or " seed money " 当制造业和商业获得启动资金和种子资金后,我们比较善于投资他们的发展阶段。
In the case of a business undertaking which is a body corporate , by a director , secretary or other person concerned in the management thereof 如属法人团体的商业经营,则须由其董事、秘书或其他与管理该经营有关的人提供;
Large and medium - sized enterprises and large business undertakings may set up a chief accountant , who must have qualifications as a professional accountant 大、中型企业、事业单位和业务主管部门可以设置总会计师。总会计师由具有会计师以上专业技术任职资格的人员担任。
In order to provide greater market transparency on this type of business undertaken by authorized institutions , the hkma will henceforth release the results of this survey on a quarterly basis 为了提高有关认可机构在这类业务方面的市场透明度,金管局由现在起每季公布有关的调查结果。